Since 1992 humongous entertainment has been a main stay of entertaining and educational games for children. Super coloring free printable coloring pages for kids coloring sheets free colouring book illustrations printable pictures clipart black and white pictures line art and drawings.

Pc Longplay Pajama Sam One Stop Fun Shop
Pajama sam coloring pages. Pajama sam color and activity book is a pajama sam book released in 2000. He is the only human junior adventure character humongous ever produced. 75 fireman sam printable coloring pages for kids. Find on coloring book thousands of coloring pages. Pajama sam is the main protagonist in the pajama sam series. Altogether sam starred in seven games from 1996 to 2003.
Pajama sam is the titular hero of the pajama sam series and was a hit among younger gamers at the time. The pajama sam series is a collection of point and click childrens adventure and puzzle games originally created by humongous entertainmentafter the release of the first two adventure games the series were proving a success when the products sold one million copies and won 40 awards of excellence. His adventures all seem to be based off his imagination as shown by the alice in wonderland styled adventures through weather factories piles of dirty clothes closets and lands populated by food. For boys and girls kids and adults teenagers and toddlers preschoolers and older kids at school. Millions of moms and dads have shared the adventures of pajama sam putt putt freddi fish spy fox and all the great humongous characters with their early learners and elementary school age children.