Find messages of christ to uplift your soul and invite the spirit. Coloring page august 2015 friend and they shall run and not be weary and shall walk and not faint doctrine and covenants 8920.

Coloring Page
Lds coloring pages of jesus. He gave me my ears that i might hear april 2015 friend coloring page. They are available in various themes with jesus the good shepherd jesus turning water into wine. Jesus coloring pages can help teach your children about the bible and to celebrate the life of jesus christ. These coloring pages can teach them the value of helping others and building their character as they grow up. Jesus came to earth nativity an illustration of the nativity from the nursery manual behold your little ones 2008 page 95. A coloring page of heavenly father and jesus christ appearing to joseph smith.
Click the access my color club files button. This lds coloring sheet shows a picture of jesus christ the savior visiting the people of the book of mormon. Official website of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. In most browsers the pdf file will then be saved to your downloads folder. A family does service for an elderly woman by working in her garden. Jesus is our loving friend jesus standing with three children.
Ye are the temple of god june 2015 friend i am growing january 2019 liahona and friend. A coloring page of holly leaves forming a capital c. General conference bingo book of mormon reading chart lds young women theme color in temples color in scriptures lds quotes hidden pictures lds mazes lds word search and more. A father sits in a chair with his daughter and reads an ensign. Download free lds coloring pages. Click the name of the coloring page ending in pdf or png youd like to download.
Click the downloaded file to open print and color. Theres even a text below narrating the instance of prophet nephi bowing down to jesus and kiss his feet. Family history coloring pages. Free digital downloadable pdf coloring pages with fun activities for lds kids and families. Scripture stories coloring book. What sets the coloring page apart is the stained glass like background.
The birth of jesus christ brought joy to the earth color and cut out pictures of the infant jesus and the manger. Log in to your lds coloring pages account. Jesus christ has the power to heal six mini pictures depicting jesus christ hands a melchizedek priesthood holder the number two consecrated oil sick child in bed. A child reading about mormons. General conference ensign issue.