Jonah and the whale. Here is a coloring sheet of jonah with the whale.

Free Printable Jonah And The Whale Coloring Pages Connectus
Jonah coloring pages. Best of jonah coloring pages download father s day coloring page. Weve also uploaded a high resolution jpeg image for advanced editing. March 24 2011 by carlos bautista. Jonah was swallowed by a fish not a whale since a whale is a mammal not a fish. Prophet jonah coloring pages free coloring pages. Select from 32015 printable coloring pages of cartoons animals nature bible and many more.
Free jonah and the whale coloring pages printable for kids and adults. Coloring pages depicting stories from bible are perfect for fine tuning the artistic skills of your little ones while teaching them the lessons conveyed in the tales. When jonah was cast into the sea a great fish that the lord had prepared for him swallowed him. Some of the coloring page names are beautiful jonah and the whale jonah and the whale for kids jonah and the whale for kids jonah and the whale for kids jonah extra 223069 jonah and the whale for kids jonah and whale the jonah was tossed into the sea where he was swallowed by a whale jonah and the old testament to jonah and the whale home clipart design ideas clipart religious jonah and. Below is a collection of ten unique free coloring pages based on the story of jonah and the whale. 10 best jonah and the whale coloring pages for your little ones.
Best of jonah coloring pages free jonah and the whale free bible coloring page from cullen s abc s. Art can be the ideal medium to teach your kids about culture mythology and religion. Prophet jonah coloring pages. Click the image above to download a printable version of this jonah coloring page. God commanded jonah to visit nineveh and preach to the people to repent. You can also browse all our free jonah lessons and resources.
Jonah runs from god coloring page. By a whalematthew 1240 for as jonah was three days and three nights in the whales belly. Click on the coloring page to open in a new widnow and print. Jonah and the whale coloring pages.