This is a printable product. Great for primary young womens or even adult coloring.

Jarom Omni Words Of Mormon Teaching Children The Gospel
Book of mormon coloring pages nephi. Each page in this book has four things you can do to learn more about the scriptures. A story from the book of mormon. 1 nephi 18 doctrine of christ. Scripture stories coloring book. 2 nephi 31 olive tree vineyard. Book of mormon study 1 nephi chapter 4 duration.
Nephi builds a boat. Coloring pages book mormon from book of mormon coloring pages nephi. A fun activity for the story. Connect the dots to help nephi build the ship. Location in the scriptures. Another testament of jesus christ.
The book of mormon. They buried their weapons of war as a witness to god that they loved him and wanted to follow him. This coloring page features that inspiring moment. Nephi obtains the brass plates. Scripture stories coloring bookbook of mormon. Scroll sword bow and arrow quiver of arrows hammer and chisel shield knife and book of plates.
The anti nephi lehies buried their weapons of scripture stories coloring bookbook of mormon 2019 the anti nephi lehies buried their weapons. The lord told nephi to build a boat to carry his family across the waters to the promised land. You will receive 5 pdfs ans well as 5 jpgs. A challenge to search the scriptures for an answer to a question. It fits perfectly with come follow mes program in january. Ammaron taught young mormon about the plates of nephi and asked him to take care of them when he was older.
Another testament of jesus christ. Coloring pages come from the book of nephi. Use it alongside your come follow me study. Affordable lds gifts fast shipping and 1 customer service. Join in and read a chapter with us. Nephi obtained the brass plates.
Small 200x259px 114kb medium 500x647px 425kb. 5 high quality coloring book pages for come follow me book of mormon. The people of ammon also known as the anti nephi lehies are a great example of a real change of heart. 1 nephi 1718 laman and lemuel bind nephi. Find these hidden items. We decided that we are going to vlog our reading of the entire book of mormon.
A chapter or verses where the story is in the scriptures. The book of mormon. Book of mormon scriptures book of mormon. Scripture stories coloring book. 1 nephi 35 the tree of life. Kids however witness and perceive everything and are always eager to allow their knowledge flow to others through various means verbal and non verbal.
Though the verbal means are next important the non verbal ones are much more fun oriented. This book belongs to. Be inspired with our selection of lds coloring pages including this nourish the word book of mormon coloring page printable.