Schools sometimes give students a voice in programs to stop. Pacers coloring bookgives teachers and students a great opportunity to talk about bullying while engaging in an activity.

Anti Bullying Coloring Pages What To Do If You Re Bullied
Anti bullying coloring pages. Anti bullying coloring pages download and print these anti bullying coloring pages for free. Anti bullying coloring pages are a fun way for kids of all ages to develop creativity focus motor skills and color recognition. Download these pages and discover how kids crayons and conversation can help prevent bullying. Find out more about where and when bullying happens at your school. The topic of bullying has received a lot of recent attention in the media in schools and in discussions surrounding childrens mental health. Select from 31983 printable coloring pages of cartoons animals nature bible and many more.
According to recent statistics 21 of teens experience bullying with 19 experiencing bullying on school property over the previous year. Anti bullying coloring pages free coloring pages. Talk to the principal about getting involved at school. Create some anti bullying worksheets with our unique set of what is bullying colouring pages which are free to print and help teachers and parents explore this important issue whether at a primaryelementary school ks1 ks2 middle school or high school. Each page includes an important message about respecting others being kind and including others. Make our printables part of a stop bullying campaign for kids and help them to stamp out the teasing hitting taunting and intimidation which causes upset pain and misery for so many children.
Think about what could help.