A variety of geometric shapes made with vectors i so love vectors within crosses. 11 x 85.

Free Operation Christmas Child Coloring Page Download Free
Operation christmas child coloring pages. Operation christmas child coloring pages are a fun way for kids of all ages to develop creativity focus motor skills and color recognition. Speaking of connecting. Operation christmas child coloring page. Operation christmas child coloring page when the kids from our youth group pack their shoeboxes we like to have them put something personalized in with the practical items. Oct 17 2012 operation christmas child coloring pages for children to include in their shoebox gifts. 85 x 11 2 pages a page to fill in and pack in your shoebox gift.
More about coloring books. This get to know you coloring page was designed by operation christmas child for the shoeboxing family to fill out and color in giving you another way you can connect with the child who receives your shoebox. Please practice hand washing and social distancing and check out our resources for adapting to these times. Stay safe and healthy. Download pdf 886 kb en español 881 kb participation certificate. Operation christmas child is a great mission project for kids groups and families.
Operation christmas child coloring pages. Nov 14 2018 operation christmas child shoebox coloring page free download this week is national collection week for those of you who also put together christmas shoeboxes. Operation christmas child a project of samaritans purse has delivered 157 million gift filled shoeboxes to boys and girls around the world. Printable coloring books for operation christmas child. Be part of impacting. You are visiting the samaritans purse website for operation christmas child united states.
And this coloring book has simple shapes for younger children. Each year we pack shoeboxes for. We praise god for so many children whose lives have been changed as the result of a simple gift. Please practice hand washing and social distancing and check out our resources for adapting to these times. Download and print these operation christmas child coloring pages for free. Whether you are focusing on packing shoeboxes as a family or as a group during sunday school childrens church or vbs these resources will help your boys and girls learn more about the importance of giving in jesus name.
Watch as churches around the world connect through operation christmas child working together as the body of christ. Meaning of christmas kids christmas xmas packing shoes samaritans purse operation christmas child service projects close to my heart coloring pages for kids. Check out our family and childrens resources. Oct 17 2012 operation christmas child coloring pages for children to include in their shoebox gifts. Handwritten notes drawings and colored pages may seem trivial when there is so much need among the children who receive the boxes but these personalized items are actually very cherished by many christmas shoebox recipients. Stay safe and healthy.
Here is a coloring book of crosses i designed for older children.