The centers for disease control and prevention cdc cannot attest to the accuracy of a non federal website. Emergency essentials general emergency preparedness checklist earth quake safety checklist flood safety checklist tornado safety checklist wildfire safety like or follow us at.

Camping Coloring Pages And Sheets For Adults And Kids
Emergency preparedness coloring pages. There are numerous coloring books and workbooks out there many are listed on our on the natural disasters educational resources page. Designed to help parents and educators teach children about the basics of emergency preparedness. Linking to a non federal website does not constitute an endorsement by cdc or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website. 206 625 5011 non emergency fire. A coloring activity book item. Disaster preparedness coloring book this coloring book is designed for adults and children to work together to learn about fire earthquakes floods tornados and other disasters as well as how to protect themselves all while having fun coloring.
Links with this icon indicate that you are leaving the cdc website. Preparedness groups and organizations are jumping on the coloring bandwagon as well. Shows children where and how to work on their feet hands ear for many common childrens health issues. This coloring book is designed for adults and children to work on together. By lisa marie chan. During an emergency go to wwwseattlegov for the latest information emergency.
Commuter emergency plan pdf form. Youll also find links to games activities coloring pages and on line games and teaching tools that can be used. Coloring bookfred matching gamematching gamedisaster kitemergency items matchingword scramblepreparedness plan activitybook document download. Dial 911 non emergency police. Work through each section with children to make sure they understand the concepts and learn important safety messages. The seattle office of emergency management partners with the community to prepare for respond to and recover from disasters.
Children can learn about fire earthquakes floods tornados and other disasters as well as how to protect themselves all while having fun coloring. This is a 26 page coloring book that adults and children are encouraged to work on together to discuss and get prepared for all sorts of emergencies and natural disasters. It also contains coloring pages for children. This booklet contains information to help parents and educators explain the different types of disasters that can occur how how best to react. This set of disaster preparedness coloring pages was originally provided by fema and american red cross organizations. Cbc0032 while children have fun matching stickers to the activity pages in this informative book they learn about the types of emergencies that can occur how they can help their families prepare an emergency supply kit and emergency plan how to get emergency help and more.