The illustration shows mary beside a donkey on the road to bethlehem. 1 if you have javascript enabled you can click the print link in the top half of the page and it will automatically print the coloring page only and ignore the advertising and navigation at the top of the page.

Free Printable Star Coloring Pages For Kids
Bethlehem coloring pages. Mary is is with child riding on a donkey. The gospels describe that jesus the savior of the world was born in bethlehem to virgin mary. This free coloring page is the first in our new advent project. While you are signed up to receive our newsletter you will be entered. You can print this page and fill in distinct colors for each of the wise men. Click here to see all the sheets in this series.
C8b23b91db7de4a5f4958a8b18cbf04c star of bethlehem coloring pages printable size. Three wise men with jesus coloring page. To print the coloring page. Setting up the nativity scene was one of the most memorable christmas traditions as a child. Top 25 easter coloring pages for your little ones. This coloring page illustrates the three wise men offering their gifts to baby jesus with the star of bethlehem shining to show how it guided them.
Coloring the nativity can be too. Some of the coloring page names are jesus born in bethlehem in nativity color luna star upon bethlehem sky when jesus is born in nativity nativity of jesus and star of bethlehem the born of jesus christ bible christmas story mary and joseph bible story sketch nativity jesus is born color luna nativity stable the night jesus was born bible christmas story jesus is born and jesus love me color luna jesus is born in a manger in nativity jesus nativity s clip art animals gather in. The nativity of jesus also known as the nativity gives a biblical account of the events surrounding the birth of the son of god. Advent bethlehem christmas donkey joseph mary mule star. Some tips for printing these coloring pages. As she travels the hope of the coming child gives her comfort.
The day that christ was born. There is a new caspar melchior and balthasar in coloring sheets section. Caspar melchior and balthasar coloring page. Win free crayons markers and paints. You can teach your children about joseph and marys ride to bethlehem. 2 click on the coloring page image in the bottom half of.
Nativity coloring pages are a great way to teach your children the true meaning of christmas. This below coloring sheet meassure is around 600 pixel x 734 pixel with approximate file size for around 11732 kilobytes. As we approach the christmas celebration we can look to jesus as the hope for this world. Advent christmas coloring page of joseph and mary on the journey to bethlehem for the census. Check it out in three wise men. The magi the magi the three wise men or the three kings were noble foreigners who visited the baby jesus in bethlehem bearing gifts of gold.
Nativity of jesus and star of bethlehem coloring page howdy folks our newly posted coloringsheet which you canhave some fun with is nativity of jesus and star of bethlehem coloring page published on nativitycategory. Top 10 cross coloring pages for your little ones. 670 x 820 file type.